Thursday, March 27, 2008


Once there were two bestfriends; a boy and a girl. Both were equally good looking.(not so important point). The boy used to tease the girl because of her braces while the girl used to tease the boy because of his Hawaiian shirt that he wore during their first meeting. They became good friends and they often called each other during school holidays. The girl was in JB and the boy was in Perak. After SPM, the boy was in KMB and the girl was in IPBA. One chose to become a doctor. Another chose to become a teacher. One was sent to Dublin, the other was sent to Wellington. One used to tease the other that she was down and under. The other used to tease that his place is so small and gempak je lebih. (still teasing). Still despite their bz schedule, they made time for each other. Often the boy had to listen to the girl's woes and grumbles. Often he had to listen to the girl's rants and sobs especially when she got dumped by his friends. Often he had tried subtly to ask the girl not to date his schoolmates. Often he smashed her heart with his realistic views and opinions. Often the girl would cry after their chatting sessions and found herself agreeing to him.
The friendship is now 8 years of age. Many things had happened along the way, many things have changed. He is still her best friend and she is still his best friend. They both plan to serve those people in the rural areas. He is listed among the top 12 best students in his class. She has 12 boyfriends. Both had succeeded in different areas of their life. He still loves to nag,she still loves to bitch about his school friends. He can't hardly wait to be her childrens' favourite uncle, she can't hardly wait to be his childrens' stylish aunty. Both appreciate the friendship as what it is. This friendship made the girl stronger.. She hopes this friendship will last to the very end. As for now, the girl is praying hard that the boy aces his examination so that the award would be his!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Kecut hati

Kecut hati for me is like kecik hati in B.M. Lately aku byk kecut hati. Kecut hati ni semakin menjadi jadi..tak tau kenape.i chose to write this in B.M. ade certain emotions yang English tak ley describe. Mungken juge mat saleh tak emosi cam aku kot sbab tu derang tak reka la perkataan English yang match ngan what i feel. Kenape ek aku kecut hati? ade due tige sebab aa..antaranye ade org kate lifestyle aku ni mcm tk betul sikett. Hmph. ni bkan isu aku gi clubbing ke ape, tapi pasal family aku. Cemane aku layan ibu bape aku..Org kate aku kasar aa ngan parents aku. Aku just nak clarify, family aku ni bkan cam family korg. We believe in freedom of expression. Sbgai org luar, saye minta janganlah anda judge. Ape kate kita semua hormati masing masing nye care hidup dan cara komunikasi.

Ada juge org yang tak puas hati sebab aku ni byk kawan lelaki. Hmph..aku nak buat camane kan? Ni lagi satu point besar yang aku nak kene make it clear. Kalau saya ni ade 13 ke 30 teman lelaki, saya rasa itu hak saya. Setiap org berbeza. Yelah, maybe la bf saye byk tapi saya tak lah tidur dengan anyone of them. Tidaklah juga saya membuat hati mereka lara kerana saya tingalkan mereka. tak de pon yang fail periksa sebab saye ataupon menjadi pape kedana sebab nak dok melayan saye saje. Semua dah selamat jadi engineer,pharmacist, lecturer. Saye pon selamat je belajar course saya. Mungken juge tak de rezeki. Mungken juge saya begitu adaptable dan boleh belajar sayang org. Satu kelebihan yang Tuhan kasi untuk menerima org seadanye. Mungkin juga Tuhan dah takdirkan saye belajar daripada byk byk lelaki instead of sorg je. I would say that is rezeki la kan.

Byk lagi la yang buat aku kecut hati. tapi itu la two main things yang buat aku super kecut hati. Aritu ade org kate aku emosi, so skang aku kene la hide emo aku tu by tulis kat blog. Emo tu haram weh, aku kene diam je. Org kutuk pon kite kene diam, org maki pon kite kene diam, org nyusah kan kite pon kite kene diam. Sabar jelah...