Monday, October 29, 2007


A few weeks back, i called one of my very own stf9802 sister. We talked and as usual we will tracked back all the old memories (despite the repetitions we still find this routine very interesting). She kutuked (i know i am an English teacher going to be) me on my grandmother's bag which i wore in form one (the bag is indeed my tok mak's) and we talked about how we actually stole a penunu bunsen from chemistry lab just for the sake of having better heated marshmallows. Then offguardedly, i was given a killer question "Ko dulu score 6/10 on the depression continuum test, ko OK ke skang, syerque?". Kudos for her for remembering and yes, hell yeah i was taken aback with such unexpected question. I answered "aku ok, it's just an one off thingie, hormon terlebih". She then said, " You went through a lot and all of us are so damn proud of you. What is the secret aaa?" . I smiled to myself proudly and knew despite all the adversities, i actually made it. So, what is my secret ?

1. Your parents', friends' and boyfriends' problems are not your problems. Always remember this so that you won't blame any when you are faced with problems.
2. TAAT kepade ibu bape. . (No options here). Simple kan? Jangan kasi options like, "parents i tak educated sgt, derang tak paham bende bende ni, susah la i nak ikot cakap derang", "alah, parents i pon buat juge time derang mude mude dulu".
3. A lesson well learnt from abah which is related to number 2: Bakti kat parents sementare derang masih hidup lagi, kalo dah tade, nanges kat kubur tiap tiap hari pon tak gune. So yeah, always show your love while you can: to your parents, siblings, lovers and friends before its too late.
4. Always categorize your problems. I usually categorize them to two sections which are: ongoing and never ending problems and also short term problems.
5. never, never, watch drama Melayu or crite hindustan( the emotional ones) when you are having your blues. This is me on this.
6. Do not make excuses and do not blame others. for instance, my dad selalu takde kat umah, tu yang i slalu kuar friends slalu clubbing and drag i, tu yang i slalu ikot tu, adek beradek i pon buat juge, derang turn out OK je"..(you are your own master)
7. Your sanity is your most valuable treasure. Indulge in the 400 dollars Marc Jacobs mary janes if you need to, play the X-box for 10 hours if you need to, eat as much as you want if you need to.
8. Always bersyukur ( a lesson from mommy) and dont compare and contrast with others. Being highly competitive once, i have learnt to tone down. you cant get all, and being too hard on your selves will burn you out.
9. You know yourself the most. what others think of you is only half of the equation.

These are some of the things that helped me to go through all the adversities. Hope some will benefit out of it. Nevertheless, more are yet to be learnt and shared.

1 comment:

sr hebat said...

weyh..aku top 10 list ko la..
tapi still aku xtau pasal iderq tau pasal handbag nenek ko
ini tidak adil
aku x sempat nk gelak2
dan ble bace lg
aku terus ter-miss kat ned
nk ade kwn gelak2 kan ko
'ampun tuanku'!!!
miss u :)